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  • Writer's pictureeesha palkar

My passion for Walking Tours

While travelling overseas, I had always been on various of historical and heritage trips. One day, I thought why I don’t explore my own city. Then I was residing in Pune. A tour which constantly popped out on search feed was the Pune Darshan Bus Trip. I immediately booked tickets for the same. Due to time constraints, I was unable to explore much on the bus journey.

Nowadays, most of you do ask, Eesha what exactly is walking tour? Or What Happens on a Walking Tour? Well to answer it in simple words, Walking Tour is a tour in which you explore any part of the city or town on foot. The duration of such tours can be of two to four hours. One of the longest group walking tours I did was in Nagpur. It lasted for about four hours. Walks are generally divided into two categories group and individual. Mostly I prefer joining the group tours as they are more economical. I even get asked if I know other people attending the tour beforehand. 90% of them are people I have never met before. Though if you keep on going on such tours regularly one does see familiar faces.

My first walking tour was in Mumbai's Ballard Estate neighbourhood. As it was a free walk, around 50 of us had joined the walk. Finding the starting point was a nightmare for me. Since I couldn’t grasp much during this walk, I decided to explore the area slowly some other time. I can say this walk did ignite my curiosity levels. This is where my journey of walking tours began way back in the year 2016. After this I did attend a few walking tours conducted by the same company. As they were all personalized walks, the cost was on the higher side. There are some pros to going on personalized walks, especially if you are an introvert like me. You become more comfortable with the guide. I tend to ask more questions without the fear of being judged. When I am a part of a large walking tour, I seldom ever ask or respond to any questions. While on custom-made walks, I can even get more photos clicked and shoot more videos

Another type of walk, which are a truly a paradise for introverts is the digital walk or walk from home. These walks had become popular during the lockdown. I literally explored the cities of Kolkata and Delhi through these walks. I am a regular participant at such walks. Though, now the frequency of these walks has reduced drastically as everything has opened. But I personally feel, these walks should be conducted on regular basis especially for the elderly and disabled. Even for people who are unable to frequently travel.

You can read more about them here. (

Thought, it’s tough for me to pinpoint the reason I love going for a walking tour. Mostly I attend these tours out of curiosity to know more about that space. I connect with an area more if I have roamed about on my feet. I can observe the footpaths below me, the buildings around me and the trees above at my own pace. I can easily say that I learnt about various architectural styles through walks. In between I went for the Vile Parle walk for nostalgia. ( Walks on the beach or mountains are even refreshing for me. They make you look at nature from varied perspectives. I have only been to a few of them. Attending more nature trails is on 2023 bucket list.

Walking tours also bring out the festive spirit of a city. I had gone for a food walk during the holy month of Ramzan on Mohmad Ali Road, Mumbai. The experience was mesmerizing and mouthwatering. There a few walks I went for on Christmas as well. Through these walks I learnt about the culture, beliefs, and traditions of other religions.

While writing this piece, I discovered that I have been to about 40 walks in the city of Mumbai only. During one such walking tour, I discovered about the original inhabitants of Mumbai, the East Indians. This walk was conducted in Matharpacady, Mazgoan. This stroll sent me into a rabbit hole of other walks centred on Mumbai’s East Indian community. (

Having lived in Pune for more than 20 years, exploring the city on foot was always on top priority. Through these walks I discovered about the origins of Pune city. The walk at Pataleshwar Caves was truly an eye-opener for me. I had no idea that such a historic site was hidden on a busy street's corner. Another site which I truly loved was the Trishnud Ganpati. It’s a treat for the eyes. Though I couldn’t capture a lot at that time.

After being a part of numerous walking tours, picking my top favourite was surely a task. I will begin with a walk titled “Below the hill” as that was one my initial walks in Mumbai. This trail was conducted at the foothills of Malabar. The next one maybe a surprise for few. It was a walk held in Sion.( The Gothic Pune walk was so different from the other walks I had been to earlier in Pune. It shed light on the otherwise dark structures tucked away.

Some of you even tell me that we came to know about this place only by reading your blog or through your social media posts. These words truly melt my heart even though I am unable to express them in person. Thanks to you, my readers who motivate me to write more and on frequent basis. I apologise for being so irregular

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Mar 10, 2023

Well written...


Kunal Dhumal
Kunal Dhumal
Feb 20, 2023

Happiness is a way of travel, not a destination. Alway feel refreshing after reading your blog.


Feb 20, 2023

I'm going to put the Sion walking tour on my list of things to do. I didn't even know these walking tours were a thing, and the amount of history I have been missing out on. Thanks for sharing these nuggets!


Vrushali Parab
Vrushali Parab
Feb 19, 2023

I'm one of them who got to know about these walking tours only through your blogs. Such a pleasant experience to read about places and ignite your imagination. Thanks for this Eesha!

eesha palkar
eesha palkar
Feb 20, 2023
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Thanks a lot Vrushali for this motivation. I hope I keep on inspiring you


Mayur Naik
Mayur Naik
Feb 19, 2023

Insightful !

eesha palkar
eesha palkar
Feb 20, 2023
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Thank you

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